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Fry’s Club Colts v Bristol United 01/10/06


Match played at Fry’s


‘A’ Team – we lined up with Brandon in goal and Jacob & Lewis in defence midfield was Ryan, Owen and George up front Dan (Birdman) subs Eli, Harry C.


After good early pressure by us we create chance after chance but couldn’t beat their keeper. On 9 minutes we forced a corner which Bristol United forced out, after another corner to us on 10 minutes Owen Stepped up to deliver his corner and curled it straight into the net 1-0. We kept pushing forward and on 12 min’s Birdman turned well in the box and shot bottom corner 2-0. We carried on attacking in the first half but couldn’t score. Half time 2-0.


 Second half we carried on where we left of in the first half attacking down both wings. On 5 min’s George crossed into the box Birdman arrived and made it 3-0. We kept the pressure on, but when Bristol United did break us down Harry C and Lewis dealt with pressure. On 9 min’s George broke down the wing again and crossed into the box this time Owen made no mistake. 4-0 at this stage of the game and Brandon had little to do apart from pick himself up after falling over. 14 min’s gone Birdman completes his hat-trick (well done Dan) 5-0. We kept pushing for more goals and on 19 min’s Jacob went on a unstoppable run and unleashed a great strike to follow up last weeks goal, 6-0.


Man of match Harry Clarke who was outstanding in defence and also going forward with the ball


‘B’ Team - We lined up with Ellis in goal Josh and Dan in defence, midfield was Rhys & Dan (kaka) and Matthew, up front Callum. Sub’s Thomas, Oliver & Oliver Pace.


We started with lots of early possession but didn’t manage to get the early goal we deserved. In the first ten minutes Ellis, Josh, Rooney were rarely troubled. On 12 min’s kaka just misses but we keep driving forward in a first half where we had 90% of the possession, Dan attacks again and it reminds Mark Wetmore of a young Brian Robson a great honour to Dan. We finish the first half strong and also have a good shout for a penalty turned down by a kind referee (I think) Half time 0-0


Second half we carry on forcing the pace of the game and on 7 min’s kaka score’s to make it 1-0 , Bristol United came back at us strongly but Josh wasn’t in the mood to give them a goal. He was backed up by his midfield  Ollie was in goal for the second half and doing well, Oliver attacks from midfield and delivers a good pass to Callum who is just wide with his effort. On 15min’s Callum makes no mistake 2-0. We carry on attacking but get caught out with a rare attack and Bristol United score to make it 2-1. End of game and we win 2-1


Man of match Dan Payne (kaka) he controlled the midfield and scored the first goal to get the team going.






Point 1

I would also like to take this chance to welcome Aaron Davis (ASBO) to the management team as my no.2 He will help with coaching and team issue’s he’s very keen to get involved and should be a good addition.


Point 2

I would like to thank all the parent’s for there support in light of the event’s of the last couple of week’s regarding Gavin and I hope this will bring it to a close and we can move on with football and the boy’s future.


Point 3

On a personal note from me the way the boy’s have shown a great team spirit and are together what ever the result’s, and the backing of the parent’s has been just what I want leaving the managing of the boy’s to me at training and match day’s. We are also not getting involved with other team’s decisions or referee’s as per code of conduct.


Point 4



Point 5

I would like to congratulate the boy’s for two successful 6 a-side tournament’s at Fry’s. We lost in the semi-final to the winners Longwell Green in what can only describe as rubbish weather. In our second tournament at Bitton we lost in the final to Bitton but we couldn’t fault the boy’s effort and a player from our team won player of the tournament Lewis Ellington (The Duke) voted for by the referees at the tournament.